Final Surveillance

Apsara Chhetri
3 min readMar 18, 2021


Date: 18/03/2021

Time: 11:30AM–12:00PM

It was yet another sunny and warm day with a temperature of 23°C and a humidity of 58%. While reaching the field, we were yet again with barren land. All the standing crops were removed with only few crops like coriander and few spring onions remained. Due to absence of proper irrigation, the soil condition was poor.

Figure 1. Empty Plot after removal of standing crops


The recently removed crops were all stashed nearby the beds, without proper sanitation which might lead to easy pest infestation in next cultivations to come. Despite the crops being removed, there were many pests present on the soil and few residue crops.

Unlike before, the available aphids were scattered and less in numbers, and most of them were present only in the residual crops in the field. There were many Ladybird beetle and its larvae, even on the bare ground. I observed that they were more active than usual, and moving around searching for prey.

Figure 2. Ladybeetle larvae and aphids on bok choy residue
Figure 3. Ladyeetle larvae on the ground

All the cole crops were removed, although around 3–4 Cabbage white butterflies were seen flying around.

There were still a lot of harlequin bugs present in the field although the number decreased drastically since the last visit. Few hoppers were also present on the field.

Figure 4. Harlequin Bug Adult on the field
Figure5. Hopper On the ground

Crucifer Flea Beetle, which was first observed in last surveillance was also present on the field. I could observe that the beetle size had increased since last.

Figure 6. Flea beetles on the field

The removal of crops affected a proper end to my pest surveillance, anyhow enough data could be observed.

